
『初級とびら2』に出てくるウェブサイト Online Resources Introduced in Tobira2

Unit4チャレンジ Activity 1  (p.120)

You can learn different learning strategies for your kanji study from the link below.

Unit4チャレンジ Activity 3  (p.120)

Here are the useful links for making your original memes in Japanese.

Unit5 チャレンジ Activity 1 (p.277)

You can check the basic rules and the list of materials for tadoku via the link below.

Here is the link to the free material materials by the Kurosio publishers.

Lesson 18 聞きましょう Predicting and listening for keywords (p.315)

You can listen to simplified Japanese news created for Japanese language learners through the link below.

Lesson 20 漢字の話   今年の漢字® (Kanji of the Year)(p.363)

You can learn more about 今年の漢字 from the link below.

Lesson 20 漢字の話   芸術(げいじゅつ)としての漢字 (Kanji as art) (p.363)

  1. Calligraphy Artist Sisyu (書家 紫舟(ししゅう))
  2. The Japan Kanji Museum & Library(漢字ミュージアム)
  3. National High School Caligraphy Performance Championship(書道パフォーマンス甲子園(こうしえん))
